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William Kuechenberg

      To answer your first question, it's pronounced "koochin-burg."

      To answer your second question, yes, I'd love to write for you! Originally from outside of Chicagoland, I have an inexhaustible Midwestern work ethic, an intimate familiarity with poverty, and a really harsh Chicago accent. I write in many different genres, though I have a particular penchant for magical-realist quasi-surrealist stories taking place in richly realized worlds. My other great love is writing comedy: I would describe my comedic style as a rich, satisfying, chocolatey core of easily-digestible lowbrow humor with a candy coating of smart jokes and esoteric references. 

     My passion for storytelling drives me. I've won several awards for my writing and filmmaking, including finishing in the Top 50 of the Academy Nicholls Screenwriting Fellowship. Currently I write comedy professionally with as a columnist. My long-term goal is to be writing staff on a television program, and from there to eventually become a showrunner. 

     Let's make something together. 

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Animated Sitcom - Pilot - Half Hour

After Hell is forced to rebrand itself as a trendy private business, three demons and Satan Himself struggle to find money, love, and innocent souls in a strange world they don't understand: Los Angeles.



Dramadey - Pilot - One Hour
An uncompromising washed-up director must return to an industry that reviles him to avoid losing everything. One problem: the only studio willing to fund his magnum opus demands he make it a porno.

Horror - Feature

A struggling photographer becomes snowed in at a hunting cabin inherited from his schizophrenic father. A voice from the radio offering answers claims to be a friend of his father’s— but may be Death itself.


Drama - Pilot - One Hour

New Orleans, 1865. A resurrected slave strikes a deal with the Voodoo god of death: kill the Confederate general who killed him. Succeed, and he is free. Fail, and he’ll never see his family again.




Sci-Fi - Western - Feature

When the robotic defenses of post-apocalyptic Chicago's last free city suddenly stop working, an enigmatic scout, a fast-talking comm officer, and a bitter scientist must travel to reactivate them before barbarians destroy their home.


Sitcom - Half Hour - Pitch Packet

A series bible / pitch packet for "Rock Bottom," a raunchy sitcom reflecting and satirizing life in the Rust Belt. Multiple episodes written. Premise pilot viewable below.


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Thanks -- I'll get back to ya.


© 2023 By William Kuechenberg. Please exit through the gift shop.

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